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A month of self-appreciation

It's never selfish to love, prioritise and adore yourself because the one who should be taking care of yourself will always be you. But how do we get to self-love and appreciation?

Everywhere we go and look we see people and circumstances that appear to be better than us. We are living in a culture of comparison, complain and criticism. Hence, we are constantly feeling not good enough, lacking skills or traits that others demonstrate.

This is my experience as well. I am no exception. And recent life events brought this massive topic to my awareness and I felt called to take action on it. At first it was only on the personal level. My desire was to break away from the personal drama of lack and not-enough-ness. And while I was contemplating and practising some of the techniques known to me, I received a very loving message from my sister, reminding me to celebrate myself. As if the Universe spoke to me. In that moment of receiving so much caring love from my sister, I was overwhelmed with emotions and I surrendered. I let go of all drama. And right then, I realised that it is my duty and honour to share this with you!

I invite you to give yourself permission for a month (or at least while you are reading this) to practice self love. I have prepared a pathway that will help you get there.

Read the practice below, then find 10 minutes to sit quietly and contemplate on it. Or, join me for the practice on the mat here. It is ok if you get a little emotional - let yourself go with it, you are healing.

Accept yourself

Acceptance is the first step to unconditional love. Accepting your limitation and virtues - the whole of you. Everything you have experienced in your life, every decision you made brought you to this moment, made you who you are right now. Accepting yourself means accepting all of it - without judgment or criticism. Accepting all your limitations - physical, mental and emotional, as they are. Knowing that all those limitations served you in many ways to become the person you are now. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, it is merely an internal judgment. Accepting all of yourself means acknowledging all parts of yourself without criticism, complains and comparison.

Celebrate yourself

You have been through so much in your life. You face your fears and challenges every day, you make hard choices, you prioritise. We live in societies where external achievements are valued and celebrated more than the internal achievements. We perceive our (and other's) value through our professional or material achievements and totally ignore the internal struggles. You have conquered internal mountains that others will never see. No one can do what you can do. Celebrate yourself!

Appreciate yourself

You have purpose and you contribute to the greater life experience with your every breath.

If you could only see how important you are to others, and how much you contribute, inspire, uplift and make difference, you will never question your value. You cannot be outside of your purpose or service to others. Even when you feel lost and most isolated, your are still contributing to the whole. Like a drop of water that makes an ocean. Appreciate your existence and contribution.

Love yourself

Like you love your dearest friends. When you look at your children (if you have them) or your closest friend, how do you feel? I am sure you have experienced that state of unconditional love where you totally accept and appreciate them and ready to take care of them no matter what. Now look at yourself in the mirror like you are looking at your best friend - with total acceptance, appreciation, and unconditional love.

Take a deep breath in, breathe out slowly. Take a few moments in silence and let the thoughts and emotions settle. Allow them to move through you. Let go of what no longer serves you, cultivate the ones that you need.

I invite you to practice self-love for the rest of the month. Whenever you can find time or you are reminded to do so, come back to this page, read through and let yourself heal.

Namaste dear friend!

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