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Welcome to Gaya Yoga!

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

Welcome lovely yogis. Great meeting you on the yoga mat and here in our virtual space where we have the opportunity to connect and share our yoga experiences.

I created Gaya Yoga as a gateway to discovering our inner hidden strengths. All classes are designed with the collective and individual practices in mind - what brings joy and balance to an individual, brings joy and balance to the collective. Classes are also progressive, starting with fundamental basic moves and building upon then gradually. Hence, they are suitable for all levels and give everyone a chance to enhance their practice.

Every session and every flow is designed to make us:

Stronger - physically and mentally, by practicing asana and pranayama;

Lighter - emotionally, as we let go of what no longer serves us;

Calmer - by bringing peace to our hearts;

More balanced - by connecting the material and the spiritual, and understanding that both are part of our everyday reality;

More focused - by directing our energy to bring forth our intentions;

More patient - with ourselves and others, by cultivating a sense of continuous progress;

Harmonious - with the cycles of nature and with the elements.

Yoga is more than just an asana practice. Hence, here you will find practice, meditation, Satsang, books, videos, articles and many other resources to enhance your daily practice and deepen your understanding of yoga.

I am honoured and exhilarated to be your guide on your yoga journey! See you on the mat.


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